Entrepreneur To Watch Out For In 2021: Make Way For Andrea Franco

Andrea is an Intuitive Business Mentor and Coach that helps female entrepreneurs create wildly successful online companies through organic and strategic approaches. Her entrepreneurial journey started in my mid-20s when she built a successful media company. While running this business, she knew that my purpose as an entrepreneur was much bigger than being behind the scenes. This was when the Intuitive Boss Babe brand was born. Since my launch in early 2020, she has generated over $500,000 in cash and helped women scale their businesses to their first six-figure and multiple six-figure years. Thus far, she has served thousands of women to grow their confidence, gifts, and businesses.

StarCentral Magazine recently caught up with Andrea to discuss her journey as an entrepreneur and here’s what went down:

When did your entrepreneurial flair first reveal itself?

I created a Twitter that ended up receiving 175,000 followers from my desire of wanting to help women from around the world. I helped women with their relationships and even screen-printed t-shirts. Each shirt was sold through my Twitter, where I would get checks in the mail per purchase! From there, I saw how easy it could be to build a company when you put your time and energy into it. Little did I know that this experience was just the start of my entrepreneurial journey.

How did your life look like before being an entrepreneur?

My life before becoming an entrepreneur included college classes and waiting tables. I started my journey going after my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology which wasn’t achieved, however, the path I decided to go down led me towards more impact, income, and magic than I ever thought possible. I worked so many jobs trying to find my purpose and passion and quickly realized that it was never going to be working for someone else. Going to EMT school, and then going to school for psychology helped me step into my own path of changing lives, and showed me that I could create it all on my own.

As an entrepreneur, what is it that motivates and drives you?

What motivates and drives me is the inner knowing that I was put on this earth to change people’s lives. I love coaching, and I love watching what happens when someone fully commits to themselves, their visions, and their goals. I believe that an impact-driven business creates a timeless brand and business. I know what it feels like to be broken, wounded, and unsure of the next steps, and I know for a fact that I am here to help women streamline that process as well as call in more ease at a rapid rate.

In one word, describe your life as an entrepreneur and explain why.

Transformational. When I first started my entrepreneurial journey, my life looked completely different. Watching the impact of my business on people’s lives, and how transformational the work we do together is, will never cease to amaze me. And not only has it transformed other’s lives, but it has completely changed my life forever. I now get to run a company that has my heart and soul in it, while changing the world every single day. I have the honor of supporting incredible humans who are doing life-changing work in their entrepreneurial journeys.

What were your top three motivations for starting your business?

My top three motivations for starting my business were impact, transformation, and growth. I knew that I could impact millions with the business, and the intuitive approach that I take, to help create successful brands. I also knew that I could help people grow their wealth, abundance, and overall happiness through the mindset and transformational work that we do together which is why I include that in everything I create.

What would you say are the key elements for starting and running a successful business?

I would say the key element for starting and running a successful business is creating a solid foundation first. When you start from a foundation that is filled with clarity, impact, and drive, you create a long-standing brand and business. Make sure you have a clear onboarding system and growth plan, and you will be off to an amazing start. If you ever need support, hire a mentor or coach to support you. When you commit to your business, there are going to be moments when you feel terrified of the next steps, like those big investments. Always trust yourself.

What are the three biggest challenges you have faced growing the business and how did you overcome them?

First, would be the opinions of others. I grew up in an old-fashioned Italian family around a lot of people who were not in entrepreneurship. So, when I decided to go for it and spend the money that I didn’t have, for a dream that no one but me believed in, it seemed crazy to everyone around me. I felt extremely alone. But I persisted, and now I am more successful and happy than I’ve ever been.

Second, would be organization. When I first started my business, things were messy. It was hard trying to find the flow of things. The back end, the links, the programs, the diversifications can get overwhelming to do on your own. My Online Business Manager was someone who changed my life and really helped add structure and organization to my business. I couldn’t do it without my support and team, but this obstacle definitely lit a fire under me to work on my own flow and be the CEO of my business.

The last would be to surrender. In this industry, it is taught that we should always be going bigger and bigger, but the truth is that business is sometimes ebbs and flows. You have to surrender to the ebbs and flows and know where you are in your own journey. Sometimes I am in a massive creation and planning mode, and other times I’m on fire selling non-stop. Learning my unique personal flow and business flow has changed everything for me so that I can surrender to continue to catapult my income, as well as manage my energy properly.

What form of marketing has worked well for your business throughout the years?

The best form of marketing I have found since starting my online business is organic marketing on social media. I love creating a community through my private Facebook group, The Intuitive Boss Babe. I have grown this group to over 4,000 members that I attribute to the majority of my half a million dollars profit in 2020. Organic marketing is also a great way to get started and call in those soul-aligned clients. Providing value and connecting organically has proven successful for me time and time again.

As you grew the business, what have been some of the most important leadership lessons you have learned?

The most important leadership lesson that I’ve learned is that you should set your boundaries early. You should be “filling up your cup” as much as you pour out when it comes to leadership because an over-exhausted leader can quickly burn out. In my opinion, we need more leaders who care about themselves, as much as they care about everyone else. When we give from an empty cup, it is easier to get overwhelmed. The more that you care for yourself, and are really aligned with your bigger vision, the more momentum you have to go further in your business. In order to grow your brand, boundaries with everyone in your life are critical, whether it be personal or business-related.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

The best advice I have ever received was to never listen to the opinions of others, and do what makes you happy. When I started entrepreneurship, it caused some of my close family members and friends to try and talk me out of following my dreams. If I had listened, I would have never gotten here. Even though the journey may have looked different than what others expected, I would have never found the success that I have today if it wasn’t for me trusting myself and following my own personal happiness.

What advice would you give to a newbie Entrepreneur setting up their first business?

Focus on creating free value, and being consistent so that your audience can get to know and trust you. When working in an industry that is mainly run online, creating brand awareness and trust should be one of your first focuses as a new entrepreneur. Be willing to make mistakes and learn from them. When you don’t give up, and instead learn from your mistakes and successes, your business becomes limitless. Hold the vision and commit to your evolution.

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