Entrepreneur Spotlight: Meet Eva Martins, The Founder Of The Global Women Leadership Academy

Eva Martins is the founder of the Global Women leadership Academy, a number 1 international and best-selling author, international speaker, executive leader in Fortune 500 Company, and a business owner with a mission to empower women to skyrocket their lives.

She started her career in a male-dominated corporate industry where she soon grasped that if you do not have power, you go nowhere. Eva understood that if you do not have a strong voice, you are not heard. That if you do not adopt a more masculine attitude you will be blocked from excelling. It took Eva more than 10 years of operating in many different leading roles to realize things needed to change.

She now dedicates her energy to empowering other women to step up in their lives through the Global Women Leadership Academy and has trained hundreds of women. Her mission is to drive gender equality at all levels of society and encouraging women to raise their voices and goals, that’s why her Leadership Academy to empower women was created.

StarCentral Magazine recently caught up with Eva to discuss her journey in the industry and here’s what went down:

What are you currently doing to maintain/grow your business?

To start, I remind myself of all women who might need my support, women who are struggling but with a wish to play a bigger game and have an impact in the world. So every day I ask myself if I have done everything I could to reach out to them or I am betraying them for not showing up. I create new content, to provide value on a daily basis, whether through my social media (IG, Facebook, and LinkedIn) or to my mail list or even through the creation of freebies such as ebooks, meditations, digital programs. I believe that by giving we always receive back, so I give as much as I can to support as many women as I can in their own fulfillment journey. I also love interviewing them, asking for feedback, asking in which ways I can support them. It has been a beautiful journey of continuous growth and development for both my business but also at the personal level.

What social media platforms do you usually use to increase your brand’s awareness?

I use the main social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

What is your experience with paid advertising, like PPC or sponsored content campaigns? Does it work?

I have been using continuously Facebook ads with great results as I know my audience is there, having a growth rate of over 1000% in the last 6 months. I think paid advertising definitely helps to increase the community and list but only when there is a great value behind and with the right target in mind, those have been my priority.

What is your main tactic when it comes to making more people aware of your brand and engaging your customers? How did your business stand out?

I use 3 tactics: ads, webinars, 5-day challenges, organic growth through social media and press but also testimonials, especially in the area of personal development and transformation hearing from peers and the impact it had in their life is the most impactful strategy you might have in place and of course ensuring your customers are happy as they would refer to others.

What form of marketing has worked well for your business throughout the years?

The best marketing strategy has been to embody my customer, know exactly their pain points, breathe as they breathe, think as they think, and deeply understand how I can help them. This has helped me develop content of great value, deeply transformational group coaching programs because I deeply empathize with them, with their struggle. So in a nutshell it is customer-centricity in everything I develop, create or envision and always asking myself, how can I bring value to ‘her.”

What is the toughest decision you had to make in the last few months?

As an entrepreneur, it is not always easy to have boundaries and relax, especially with COVID having to work from home, so I saw myself working endless hours during the week and weekend and feeling exhausted. So I had to make the really difficult decision to prioritize myself and my self-care instead of my clients which is definitely not natural for me and required determination and focus. Due to this reprioritization I had to reschedule the launch of one of my Global Women Leadership Academy group coaching programs, I had to detox from digital and take care of myself. Now I realize that it is definitely not nice to have as an entrepreneur but a must. The only way to serve others is to serve ourselves first.

What money mistakes have you made along the way that others can learn from (or something you’d do differently)?

I would not say that I have done any money mistakes, as all situations present a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow and I believe our professional life, as well as personal life, is simply a journey of self-growth. I believe I have done the right investments at the right time and I am happy for the mistakes I did as I learned with them: such as investing too much in Facebook ads in wrong audiences, having 600 ladies registered for a webinar but the systems crashed…The problem is that we take events too seriously as a drama, especially if we want to bring high value and maybe having a perfectionistic side, but with a more relaxed mindset, with more fun, everything becomes easier. Having a mindset of abundance, an abundance of resourcefulness, an abundance of support always attracts abundance to us.

What new business would you love to start?

I am soon going to launch the certification side of my Global Women Leadership Academy. My wish is to empower other women to be their own coach or be able to coach others!

If you could go back in a time machine to the time when you were just getting started, what would you do differently?

Nothing as all events were really important to be who I am now, even the difficult period, they made me the strong and determined woman I have. I would not have the same drive, the same self-awareness without them.

What is the best advice you have ever been given?

The best advice I was ever given is to stop trying to change your external environment because the solution is not in them but in us. Our life is a mirror, a reflection of our subconscious mind, the way we think, what we believe, and past experiences. So the solution is to deep dive into it and understands which part of us is co-creating any challenge and reframe it. That’s exactly what I teach today in the Global Women Leadership Academy.

What advice would you give to a newbie Entrepreneur setting up their first business?

I would focus on keeping your passion alive. You will encounter endless challenges, whether lack of clients, lack of funds, sometimes feeling like an imposter…so always keep close to your heart your reason WHY and how you can contribute to a better world.

The second piece of advice is to know your customer better than they do, interview them, ask them which are their pain points and they always ask yourself if your product or solution fits their needs.

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