“Well, This Is Growing Up” Review: A Entertaining Book With A Crucial Message


Megan Street, through her book “Well, This is Growing Up” takes the reader on a beautiful and exciting journey of how a girl passes her teenage years. Through this book, she has shed light on her own experiences and how they have helped her to evolve as a person. She believes that the experiences she had to face in the last ten years of her life can help other girls to face the tough times that life would bring them face to face with.


The teenage years of a girl are usually the most carefree yet the most important years of her life. It is a stage of life where she will come in touch with certain realities of life. From setting up an aim in life to broken friendships, all the experiences that can make or break the personality of a girl are beautifully woven in the book titled “Well, this is Growing Up” by Megan Street.


The book acts as a guiding light for young girls. In this particular stage of life, they may not like the idea of getting advised on everything they do. They are in love with the new found independence they have got; hence, getting advised on smallest of things from their parents or elders is usually not liked by them. Moreover, there is a certain pressure, hesitation, and inhibition when talking to parents about individual matters. This is exactly where this book can come in handy for the young girls. It can answer many of their unasked questions, guide them in the most efficient way, and hit them right in the gut.


The best part of the book is that it doesn’t get too serious. It takes a lighter route and covers all the topics that happen to every girl. Every girl, during her teenage years, has certain experiences that make her scream, “Why Me?” If you are going through such a time, this book can help you to find the answer, and if this period has passed in your life, you can still read this book and go down the memory line of your teenage years and cherish that time.

The author has used real-life examples that are quirky yet walloped you. For example, her comparison of best friends with the bra is surely going to evoke laughter. Moreover, the chapter, in the book, that discusses sex makes for an exciting and entertaining read. Her witty expressions and the quirky way she used to examine different aspects of the life of a teenage girl make this book a must-read for every girl out there.


The book doesn’t heavily rely on the sophistication and seriousness of the issue; rather, the author uses raw emotions and effortlessly projects them through her writing. Overall, it is an inspiring book with an important message. You are surely not going to put it down without finishing once you have started it.

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