Entries Officially Closed for Miss Earth Australia 2024

The entries for Miss Earth Australia 2024 have officially closed! Stargazer Production extends its heartfelt thanks to all the eco-warriors who applied. Your passion for environmental advocacy and sustainability is truly inspiring.

We are thrilled to announce that the candidates for this year’s competition will be revealed very soon. Stay tuned to find out who will compete for the prestigious title and the opportunity to become an environmental protection and sustainable living ambassador.

Who will be the queen to wear this crown next? The anticipation is building as we prepare to showcase the incredible talent, intelligence, and dedication of the new contestants. Each candidate embodies the spirit of Miss Earth Australia, striving to make a positive impact on our planet.

Join us in celebrating the journey of these remarkable individuals as they compete for the honour of representing Australia on the global stage. Together, we can inspire change and promote a greener, more sustainable future.

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