Spotlight On Katie Cleary: From Model to Prominent Animal Activist and Documentary Filmmaker

Katie Cleary, a name that first gained prominence in the modeling and entertainment industries, is now celebrated as one of the world’s foremost animal activists and documentary filmmakers. Her remarkable journey from the glamorous world of fashion to the frontlines of wildlife preservation and environmental conservation is nothing short of inspiring.

Cleary’s career took off when she received her first major break on the hit TV show, “America’s Next Top Model.” This opportunity catapulted her into the limelight, leading to an expansive career in modeling and entertainment that has spanned over two decades. Her extensive portfolio of acting, directing, and producing credits can be found on her IMDB page.

While Cleary enjoyed a successful career in Hollywood, her true passion lay in advocating for animals and the environment. She founded “World Animal News,” a platform dedicated to covering the latest breaking news on animal rights, environmental issues, and plant-based living from around the globe. This platform has become a vital resource for anyone interested in these critical issues.

Cleary’s commitment to wildlife preservation is perhaps best exemplified by her work as a documentary filmmaker. Her award-winning 2023 film, “WHY ON EARTH,” features collaborations with renowned icons such as Clint Eastwood and Maggie Q. This powerful documentary sheds light on the devastating effects of deforestation on endangered species, aiming to raise awareness and drive action to protect our planet’s most vulnerable inhabitants.

In addition to her work in media and film, Cleary is the founder of the non-profit organization “Peace 4 Animals.” Through this organization, she has been a leading voice in the fight for animal rights and environmental conservation. Her efforts have not only raised significant funds for animal-related causes but also brought critical issues facing our planet into the public eye.

Cleary’s tireless dedication to these causes has made her a prominent figure in the world of animal activism. Through her platforms, including “World Animal News” and her non-profit organization, she has successfully raised both awareness and funds to support various animal and environmental initiatives.

StarCentral Magazine recently caught up with Katie Cleary to discuss her journey in the world of animal activism, and here’s what went down:

Can you share what inspired your transition from a successful career in modeling and acting to becoming a prominent animal activist and documentary filmmaker?

I was inspired to make the leap from modeling and acting to animal activism and documentary filmmaking by a profound mission and passion for helping animals and a desire to use my platform for good. This shift allowed me to align my talents with a cause that resonated deeply with me, using my platform to shed light on important animal welfare issues. I strive to make a meaningful impact on the world and inspire others to join the fight for animal welfare through activism, our news network World Animal News and compelling storytelling in my documentaries Give Me Shelter, Why On Earth, and Protectors of the Wild.

What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when you first started your journey into animal activism and documentary filmmaking?

When I first embarked on my journey into animal activism and documentary filmmaking, one of the biggest challenges I faced was establishing credibility and being taken seriously as a young female transitioning from the entertainment world of modeling and acting to animal advocacy. I had to work diligently to prove my dedication and expertise in this new field. The process involved demonstrating my commitment to advocating for the rights of animals and producing impactful documentaries. This shaped me into a resilient advocate and filmmaker, determined to make a difference despite initial doubts and barriers.

Your documentary Why On Earth features iconic figures like Clint Eastwood and Maggie Q. How did these collaborations come about, and what impact do you hope the film will have on its audience?

My collaboration with Clint Eastwood for Why On Earth came about through his daughter Alison Eastwood, who hosted Peace 4 Animals’ first charity event and founded her animal rescue organization, Eastwood Ranch, shortly after. It was through Alison that Clint became involved with the film. I believe the voices in the film were drawn to the project due to its important message highlighting animal and environmental conservation and the urgent need to save species from extinction in the wild.

As the director, I hope that the presence of such iconic figures will bring greater attention to the important issues discussed in Why On Earth. By showcasing their involvement and passion for animals, I believe the film will resonate more strongly with audiences and inspire them to take action in their own lives.

Your upcoming documentary, Protectors of the Wild, focuses on endangered wolves in North America. Can you tell us more about this project and why it is important to you?

Our third documentary, Protectors of the Wild, sheds light on the plight of endangered wolves in North America and the significance of safeguarding their habitats. This film is near and dear to my heart because it brings attention to the struggles faced by endangered wolves in North America and works to increase awareness about the obstacles these magnificent creatures face in the wild. By emphasizing the vital role humans play in protecting these extraordinary animals, we aim to secure their survival and uphold a natural balance in their ecosystems for future generations.

With your extensive wildlife preservation and activism work, what achievements are you most proud of, and why?

Throughout my journey in wildlife preservation and activism, there are standout accomplishments that have truly defined my passion and commitment to the cause. One such achievement is the establishment of World Animal News, an innovative news network dedicated to shedding light on crucial animal welfare issues and conservation efforts worldwide.

Creating this platform has been a deeply rewarding experience, allowing me to amplify the voices of those who advocate for the protection and well-being of our planet’s precious wildlife. Through World Animal News, I have been able to reach a broader audience, raising awareness and sparking meaningful conversations about the urgent need to protect animals worldwide.

Another significant milestone is the production of my first documentary, Give Me Shelter, which premiered on Netflix in 2015. I took a chance and used my savings to produce this important film. I believe it stands as a powerful testament to the importance of advocating for the welfare of animals and the preservation of their natural habitats.

My second documentary, Why On Earth, featuring Clint Eastwood, has further propelled my advocacy efforts, allowing me to delve into the intricate relationships between humans, wildlife, and their environment. This project has enabled me to explore innovative ways to promote sustainable practices and foster a peaceful coexistence between all living beings through the eyes of the heroes on the ground who have dedicated their lives to saving animals.

The success of both World Animal News and my documentary ventures has not only been a personal triumph but a testament to the collective power of individuals coming together to champion a shared cause. These accomplishments have ignited a fire within me, driving me to continue my work in wildlife preservation and activism with even greater determination.

As the founder of World Animal News, how do you manage to keep the public informed about the latest breaking news in animal and environmental issues?

At World Animal News, we prioritize staying informed about the latest breaking news in animal and environmental issues to effectively communicate with our audience. Through extensive research, collaborations with experts, dedicated social media engagement, educational content, advocacy campaigns, and fostering community engagement, we ensure that our audience is consistently updated and engaged with critical developments in animal welfare and environmental conservation. Our multifaceted approach allows us to not only share news updates but also educate, advocate, and empower individuals to make a positive impact and create a more sustainable and compassionate world for all living beings.

Through your non-profit organization Peace 4 Animals, you’ve raised significant funds for animal-related causes. Can you discuss some of the key initiatives and their impacts?

Through our non-profit Peace 4 Animals, we’ve raised funds for emergency and disaster relief, rescue programs, advocacy campaigns, conservation efforts focusing on endangered species, legislation efforts, documentary filmmaking, education programs, and collaborative partnerships to make a positive impact on animal welfare around the world. Our initiatives have helped save and improve the lives of many animals, raised awareness about important issues, and inspired positive change globally.

In our future endeavors, we aspire to bolster activism through on-the-ground initiatives and undercover investigations, create impactful films such as Protectors of the Wild, prioritize animal rescue missions, and elevate World Animal News to a global platform, igniting advocacy for animal rights and environmental conservation on a larger scale.

Looking ahead, what are your future goals for your activism, filmmaking, and the organizations you’ve founded? How do you plan to continue making a difference in the fight for animal rights and environmental conservation?

Looking ahead, our future goals encompass a multifaceted approach to activism, filmmaking, and expanding our organization Peace 4 Animals. We plan to continue making a difference in the fight for animal rights and environmental conservation through various means, including activism and our boots-on-the-ground initiatives, conducting undercover investigations to uncover animal cruelty and exploitation, and engaging in advocacy campaigns for legislative changes and policy reforms that prioritize animal welfare and environmental protection.

Animal rescue is vital to our mission. We plan to continue rescuing and rehabilitating animals in need, providing them with care and support, and advocating for their well-being.

One of the most important initiatives is mainstreaming World Animal News on a major network worldwide to ensure that critical animal welfare and environmental conservation news reaches a global audience, fostering greater awareness, empathy, and action for a sustainable and compassionate world.

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