The much-anticipated sequel to Disney’s beloved Moana (2016) has finally arrived, bringing audiences back to the lush landscapes of Oceania. Directed by David Derrick Jr., Jason Hand, and Dana Ledoux Miller in their feature directorial debuts, Moana 2 is a visually stunning, fun-filled adventure that, while enjoyable, doesn’t quite recapture the magic of its predecessor.
Set three years after the original events, Moana 2 follows Moana as she reunites with Maui and assembles a crew of wayfinders to locate the cursed island of Motufetu. The story takes viewers on a familiar journey, revisiting themes of self-discovery, resilience, and the bond between people and nature. While the narrative structure is solid, it occasionally feels like a retread of the original film’s beats, which may disappoint fans hoping for a fresher tale.
Another shortfall is the lack of substantial character development. Moana herself feels somewhat static in her growth compared to the transformative arc of the first film. However, small details, such as Moana’s parents showing visible signs of ageing with grey hairs and crow’s feet, add a touch of realism and continuity that fans will appreciate.
Where Moana 2 truly excels is in its animation. The visuals are as breathtaking as ever, with vibrant ocean scenes, lush tropical islands, and intricate designs that bring the Pacific to life. The level of detail is remarkable, immersing viewers in a world that feels both magical and grounded. It’s a feast for the eyes, maintaining Disney’s high bar for its animated features.
One of the most significant changes in Moana 2 is the absence of Lin-Manuel Miranda as the composer. The new songs are good but somewhat lack the memorable, emotionally resonant quality that made tracks like How Far I’ll Go instant classics. While the music supports the narrative, it doesn’t elevate the film like Miranda’s compositions for the original. This might feel like a missed opportunity for fans of Disney’s musical storytelling.
Despite its shortcomings, Moana 2 delivers moments of genuine magic and adventure. The film’s pacing lags slightly in the middle, but it regains momentum in a heartfelt final act that ties the story together beautifully. The ending provides a satisfying resolution, emphasising themes of community and purpose, which have always been central to the franchise.
While Moana 2 doesn’t quite capture the same spark as its predecessor, it remains a delightful sequel for fans of the original. The stunning animation, nostalgic callbacks, and moments of heartfelt storytelling make it worth the journey, even if it doesn’t leave as lasting an impression.
For those who fell in love with Moana and Maui’s first adventure, this sequel offers a welcome opportunity to revisit the world they inhabit, even if the magic feels slightly diluted. It’s not groundbreaking, but it’s an enjoyable ride that continues the legacy of one of Disney’s most beloved characters.