Sexiest Woman of the Month for September 2013!

Starting her career as a makeup artist, Maria Truong a.k.a. Mia, this month’s Sexiest Woman of the Month for September 2013, was surprised when a photographer approached her to model. While she says it was a nerve-racking experience, once things got started, she threw herself in and enjoyed every bit.

“It was nerve racking at the start but once I got into it, I had so much fun! Following that shoot I started a portfolio on Model Mayhem and have since been fortunate enough to work with so many amazing people,” Maria said.


Modelling has given this self-confessed sweets addict an outlet to express herself and conquer her fears of self-doubt.

“Modelling has developed me as a person as it has given me a creative and fun way to express myself.”

Seeing her first shoot Maria was pleasantly surprised at the results.

“I had to convince myself that I could pull off something so wonderful.  To this day, some of the works still catch me by surprise!”

Maria says it’s the opportunity to collaborate with creative, like-minded people to capture artistically beautiful images that keeps her in the business. While it might not always be glamourous, Maria knows how to keep it fun.

“When you work with me, it is full of laughter! I don’t usually like being the centre of attention but when I’m in front of a camera, it feels natural.”

Maria 2

With a strong sense of self-belief and faith within, Maria is able to stay on track and keep motivated to pursue her goals, posing the question, “If you aren’t convinced that you can do whatever you put your mind to, how are you going to accomplish any of the challenges you set yourself, right?”

Maria has learnt not to compare herself to others but to the person she once was, whether that be a year, month or week ago, constantly striving to be better. She holds her values close to her heart, ensuring she doesn’t get lost in, what can be, a superficial industry.

“If you bring yourself back to those values, you will always stay grounded – no matter what the situation is.”

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1. Best comfort food: Chocolate, cake, ice cream – basically anything sweet!

2. Best pick-me-up: Music – bit hard to not get jiggy with it when the songs you love come up on the radio!

3. Last good movie I’ve seen: Star Trek in 3D – I have no idea what’s out in the cinemas these days.  Does that mean I’m getting old?  LOL, I actually prefer watching TV shows.

4. Three most important characteristics in a person: Sense of humour, openness and humbleness

5. What haven’t you done yet that you wish you could?
There are lots of things on my bucket list but the top three would be:

  1. Land my dream job – still figuring out what that would be.  I have too many hobbies and things I enjoy and want to be good at! What I do know is that it would definitely be something in the creative field.
  2. Go on a humanitarian trip to Africa
  3. Catch fireflies

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